Pain demands to be felt


They say pain demands to be felt and it’s truly true, you will never experience pain unless you feel it crushing your feelings, senses, and brain and mind each part of your body experience pain in a different way.  Pain is known as something bad something that hurts you badly, you can feel pain when you fall from your bike and get yourself hurt you can be in pain when you touch something hot accidently you can feel pain from a paper cut you can feel pain while sewing a piece of cloth even in sex you are in pain. But here is the odd thing about pain that each situation has a different kind of pain in sex you are in pain yet you are enjoying it sometimes there is pleasure in what you are experiencing. This doesn’t mean that pain is beautiful but it is not bad as well. Pain demands to be felt yes pain demands to be felt, we have to see things from a different perspective to look at things from far away because you can’t see things correctly or different when you are close to it for example like hidden objects game when you take a very close look you can’t see the small things but when you go away from a little you will figure out all the detailed and small things that’s how we should deal with everything we experience even pain.

We have to learn how to live with pain how to find pleasure in it more than suffer, tattoos are one of the painful pleasures you bleed from the needle hence it gives you a beautiful  lasting tattoo on your body.  Little pain is good for oneself pain can be endured by how you choose to absorb it and deal with it as a good thing not a bad thing.

Pain can turn you to a different person the more you get pain the more you grow up the more you can handle things differently. Yes it makes you stronger – braver and wiser but first it makes you one of a kind.  Being strong with ignoring pain and deciding never to feel it doesn’t make you a strong person you need to feel, accept and absorb it.

Somehow I see pain and love share some things in between; both demands to be felt both can cause you hurt and both can change you into strong, brave and wise person both are good. I guess pain and love is one thing it’s just written differently.

From a grammar teacher’s point of view pain is considered to be a bad connotation and love is considered to be a good connotation. But from a writer’s point of view they are both good and bad.

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